Work in Progress / Neema Bagamuhunda / 2022 Edition

Neema Bagamuhunda developed a new piece for the Dance Life Festival, which confronted the current pursuit of fleeting values, like money and fame, and the loss of spritual and moral values that results from it, as well as the impact on mental health and decaying human connections.

As a contemporary dancer, Neema has worked locally with Compagnie Gaara under Opiyo Okach and Faustin Linyekula, been a co-founder and member of Jokajok Dance(2000), Choreographic Conversations (2014) which facilitates creations and presentations and lately Half the Sky (2017). She has also participated in collaborations with other international companies and choreographers including. She also teaches contemporary dance and dance theatre regionally (various groups and institutions in East and Central Africa) as well as volunteers in refugee camps and with street children/youth.


Table of Silence


Kuria Women Dance